As a worship leader I know that the transition time between songs is as important as the songs themselves. The goal is to keep the flow of the anointing going and not have abrupt starts and stops where suddenly were not worshipping anymore, then suddenly we are. That is the way I want the transitions in my life to be as well. The temptation is to check out, escape the sense of uncomfortableness and fear through distraction and busyness. I don' want to live my life that way. So here are some things I'm trying to do to get me through this transition season.
First of all I'm waiting. The season demands that you wait because you don't know what's coming next. But instead of an anxious impatient waiting, I'm trying to wait on the Lord. To rest in him so that I have strength for whatever is next. Isaiah 40:31 promises that "they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint" (ESV). Waiting for me looks like doing what the Lord puts in front of me each day, resting, and doing the things that give me joy like painting and worship. So what is it that renews your strength; quiet time, family, the outdoors? Make time for those things and then while you're doing them be in communion with the Holy Spirit. Let his presence rest on you. This is what will get you ready for whatever God is going to do next.
I've also been focusing on what I know God has called me too. Such as relationships for starters. Also, I know He has called me to pour my life out for the church and to be a conduit of transformation to the people around me. Whatever he has next for me will involve that. Do you know what God has called you too? If you don't, start thinking about what you're passionate about. Our passions and dreams are tied up with our destiny. New Life also has some excellent tools to help you discover your place in ministry, your gifts and the way God has wired you.
During this season of transition I also have found myself revisiting the prophetic words over my life. I have words on cd and written out that I've been listening to and reading. It is awesome to see what God has already done in my life and the words that He has fulfilled or is fulfilling. It also feeds my excitement for why He is transitioning me. I know that at the end of this season I'll be stepping into more of the destiny for my life.
Above all remember that God is good. Everything he does is good. He takes all our ashes and turns them into beauty (Is. 61:3). He works out everything for our good (Rom 8:28). He has plans to prosper us and to give us a hope and a future (Jer 29:11). Whatever it is that I have to leave behind to move ahead into the new season will be totally worth it. I've seen it time and again in my life. God is good.
Good word. Transition is scary because it means change and change is not comfortable because we are not ususally in control. It is learning to trust God and His goodness. That is where I have to make a choice. I know what He has told me in His word about His faithfulness so am I going to choose to believe it? Even when life seems to be so unpredictable? I don't know what will happen next, don't have the details, can't make things change. I choose to believe that He is for me and not against me, to prosper me and to give me hope and future. And it's all good!